Thank you for your interest in submitting a listing to! Before you proceed, please read the following guidelines to ensure your submission meets our requirements.
Select Categories: Please select up to two categories that best represent your listing from the dropdown menu below. Choose the categories that most closely align with the type of destination, activity, attraction, or resource you are submitting.
Complete Form: Fill out all required fields in the submission form with accurate and detailed information. Provide clear descriptions, relevant images, and any additional details that will help users understand and engage with your listing.
Quality Content: Ensure that your listing adheres to our standards of quality and authenticity. We prioritize listings that provide valuable information, unique insights, and authentic experiences related to Kerala.
Review Process: After you submit your listing, our team will review it for accuracy, relevance, and compliance with our guidelines. Please allow some time for the review process to be completed before your listing is published on our website.
Contact Information: Include valid contact information in the submission form so that we can reach out to you if we have any questions or need further clarification about your listing.
Thank you for helping us showcase the best of Kerala on! We look forward to reviewing your submission and sharing it with our audience.
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